In order to facilitate data collection and management, several tools have been developed. All tools have been created with the goal of allowing jurisdictions to use resources which they may already have access to, while minimizing the amount of effort required to set up a workable NAS surveillance system. The variables and value sets within all tools are pulled directly from the “NAS Variables for Collection and Analysis” (to be referred to in this section as the NAS data dictionary).

Excel Templates For NAS Data Management

Excel is the most widely available tool for data management. Using the data elements and value sets in the NAS data dictionary, Excel templates were created for data management which can be used for easy data entry with minimal human error. As not all jurisdictions will be collecting all variables in the NAS data dictionary, two versions of this tool were created. The Basic NAS Surveillance Excel tool is limited to patient demographic information and the bare minimum of variables required to classify cases with the 23-MCH-01 NAS case definition. A more comprehensive Excel template was created to capture all data elements included in the NAS data dictionary and can be further modified during implementation.

Basic NAS Surveillance Excel Tool

The Basic NAS Surveillance Excel tool has 2 tabs. The Tier1_Cases tab identifies variables names (Row 1), briefly outlines collection notes (Row 2) and has pre-formated cells for collection in subsequent rows. The Value Sets tab includes the value sets used for populating drop-down cells in the Tier1_Cases tab. The Value Sets tab also includes recommended coding values for use in any future data analysis.

Advanced NAS Surveillance Excel Tool

The Advanced NAS Surveillance Excel template has five tabs. The first four tabs have the same format as Tab 1 in the Basic Excel template. The Tier1_Cases tab collects all case information, including all data elements in the NAS data dictionary’s Tier1_Cases tab. The Tier1_ITox tab collects Infant toxicology screen data (as detailed in the NAS data dictionary Tier1_ITox). The Tier1_MTox tab collects birthing parent toxicology screen data (as detailed in the NAS data dictionary Tier1_MTox). The Tier 2 tab provides a space for collection of Tier 2 case data, as defined in NAS data dictionary Tier2_Cases tab. The Value Sets tab includes the value sets used for populating drop-down cells in Tab 1. The second tab also includes recommended coding values for use in any future data analysis.

Fillable PDF Case Report Forms

Healthcare providers are more likely to complete reporting in a timely manner if reporting is as easy as possible. To this end, all data elements which may be requested based on the NAS data dictionary have been made into fillable PDF Case Report Forms. Where appropriate, values are provided as drop-down selections or radio-butons in order to minimize data variation and error.

The Basic Case Report Form collects patient demographic data and the bare minimum of data elements required for case classification. This form allows for a provider to provide details on two infants per page. This Basic Case Report Form can be paired with the Basic NAS Surveillance Excel template where all data from Basic Case Report Forms can be transferred into one cohesive dataset.

The Advanced Case Report Form collects all information in the NAS data dictionary that would be reported by a healthcare provider. Case information is collected on one page, front and back. An additional page collects toxicology screening information and can be reproduced as many times as necessary to collect all laboratory results. This Advanced Case Report Form can be paired with the Advanced NAS Surveillance Excel template where all data from Advanced Case Report Forms can be transferred into one cohesive dataset.

Redcap Template for Case Reporting

Redcap is an online platform for creating surveys and databases utilized throughout public health, and may be used instead of paper/PDF case report forms and Excel to collect and store data securely. For jurisdictions with access and ability (based on permissions and security protocols) to utilize RedCap for case reporting, a data dictionary has been created that can be used to build out a RedCap database. Within Redcap, this data dictionary can be uploaded to build out an NAS surveillance database and modified as a jurisdiction sees fit.

R Codes and Instructions for Case Classification

R is an open-source data management and analysis tool commonly available at Public Health Agencies of all levels. The following code can be used with datasets that are formated to match the NAS data dictionary data elements. This code set aims to clean the data and appropriately classify all documented cases.